Yesterday, the car moved under its own power for the 1st time in 20 years! Finally got the front brakes taken care of and drove it around the block. I still have a lot of things to sort out, but it was nice to get it out of the garage for a while.
I was surprised at how good the ride is. I'm running cut-down OEM springs with Koni Red shocks. The front is still too high, so I'll need to cut a little more, but we're in the ballpark. There's no noise from my home-built rear end, so that's good news too. The power feels OK, but I still need to tune it so hopefully there's more to be had.
Left on the list:
- Adjust the steering box (too much backlash)
- Front end alignment
- Spruce up / reinstall the rear interior
- Tune the carbs
- Set the timing
- Bodywork and paint (maybe next year)