As expected, Bruce destroyed the times of anything comparable with a 44.3. Quite the run there!
I ended up with a 46.8, which improved to a 45.0 during fun runs, and my gf (also in the 7) got a 49.2 down to a 47.X in the fun runs.
It was a very fun event, with a couple of tricky spots that definitely caught me out the first two times through. A number of friends were doing their first auto-x too, so I was a bit busy getting them all up to speed, through tech etc, otherwise I would have been a bit more social.
A total of 21 runs on the 'vert ended up being the death of the differential's front mount, so that's gotta be replaced when I pull the diff housing to install an FD torsen (speaking of which, anyone got one they'd like to sell?)