As some of you already know, the ls didn't go into the fc.
Went to put the car in the garage for the winter, checked the oil and noticed coolant. about an hour later the engine was on a stand ready for teardown.

Did lots of cleaning and sand blasting at my schools engine shop, notice the ls isn't gone just shoved out of the way until I can afford to rebuild it

My end goal was to have the car running and driving the 2nd week of March, my Spring break. I believe I pulled the engine out the weekend of or before Halloween, so roughly 5 months. Decided to go with a half bridge and street port. used pineapple racing ep2 exhaust template and mazdatrix 6port bridge and street port. This was my first time ever porting anything, let alone a rotary. It definitely could of used a few more hours of smoothing and runner work, but I'll save perfection for the next one.
cut the diffusers out

I did end up screwing up the center iron, but luckily murz had an s5 iron laying around and I didn't screw that one up.

Apparently I didn't take any pictures of the bridges when I was doing it, this is the only one I took right before assembly.

I also decided I wanted to try and tuck the body harness since I was also moving the battery to the passenger storage bin, my original plan was to run it between the fender and body but I ended up not thinking it would fit so I just re-wrapped it in nicer looking loom and relocated the fuse box from the strut tower to in front of the radiator. I got rid of a few connectors like the suspensions adjustment and the horns that never worked and just cut the wires and taped them up.

Gave the engine bay a quick respray in arctic silver.

Don't have any pictures of the harness, but heres the new fuse box location.

This is the new engine color scheme, I decided to build the engine in my room which is in the basement.... horrible idea.

my roommate helped me carry the engine up the stairs and into the garage, either I miss judged the weight of the engine or we're both horribly out of shape.

poof the engine went

After I got everything together, fixed a few grounds and re organized the battery wires and it started.... then died. One by one each injector decided to leak after I would fix the one before it. Finally got all the injectors and lines to hold and now it runs and drives. my header is leaking pretty bad so it sounds like a tractor but the brappy idle is nice.
Car is still on the stock ecu and stock injectors so I haven't pushed the car at all, after I graduate in May I'll get a standalone (still undecided which one) and maybe new injectors..... possibly itb's

But I got the car running exactly on my dead line and made it to my first weekly meet at ferris.

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