My wife is selling her stenography machines because she was recently diagnosed with MS. She has had her Stenograph 200 series machine since she started school at the Academy of Court Reporting in 2007. It is in perfect working condition and she has never had any problems with it. She recently decided to purchase the ProCat Stylus because she was near graduation. With only four test until completion she came down with MS. she has not had the chance to even use her new machine. She received it and loaded the flash drives that came with it, and that was as far as she got. The Stylus is an amazing machine because of your ability to translate right from it. Instead of having multiple cords, everything translates onto the screen or if you want, you can have it sent wireless to your computer.
ProCat Stylus - You are not allowed to view links.
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-Wide *
-Blue-tooth Kit
-Compatible with all software
-Includes USB port
-Includes carrying case
-All adapters
-Certificate of Warranty
-Paper tray
-More options not listed
Stenograph Manual 200 Series
-Paper tray
-Cables and accessories
-Carrying case
-More options not listed
*Bonus Accessories
-USB adapter
-Rolling Carrying case with laptop case
-RPR testing prep material with practice CDs.
We would like to sell both machines along with all their accessories and the Bonus accessories for $3,800 for everything. The Stylus machine alone with accessories I will sell for $3,600. The Stenograph with all accessories I will sell for $300.00. Rolling carrying case with laptop case for $75.00. USB adapter $40.00 (used to connect machine to computer). RPR test prep manual and practice CDs $15.00. Will consider offers. Cash only payment.