Well I am not thinking that there will be much ice racing this year with the terrible weather (warm) so here is a video from last year I never posted:
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Back to work! I just imagined my kitchen table was my engine bay and oriented things accordingly and began to swap electrical connections.

I am unsure of which grommet to exactly use but I have combination of rx8 and rx7 so we shall see what combination of o-ring/grommet will work. The FC/Rx8 part numbers are 90% similar too haha. Now my fuel system has been frankenwankeld as well. Its starting to come to together!

The secondarys seem to fit tighter than the primary ones. Right now I am using this current “strategy”
1. Injector O-ring = rx8
2. Injector upper grommet = rx7
3. Injector lower grommet = rx8
Lets see if I get any vac/fuel leaks…
Now the intake manifold is port matched/gasket matched I can drop them off at the machine shop to get an even finish for best mounting.

However, one of the flanges came out on a bevel and a new middle intake section was required:
Look how flat that is!
Well I have this week off work and a rallycross on the 2nd that I signed up for, so we shall see if I make it or not, but progress is being made. The CLT sensor is swapped and the carb fuel system is removed. Time to bring parts into the garage and out of the kitchen.

Next up? Remove the carb ignition setup and de-integrate it from my body harness and begin routing megasquirt wiring and mounting the ECU under the dash. This WILL take some time…