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Woodward Dream Cruise 2011

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I've got the mac salad.  Also I still have andrew's grand parents tents at my house, we can prolly set those up?

also, i have a bunch of ice left over from the wedding in my freezer downstairs.  So andrew might want to skip out on that one

i have silverware, napkins and plates too

I also have a bunch of coke and diet coke in cans and some other 2 liters too

sounds good Will. As far as Ice the more the better I want to set something up to keep all the food in to keep it cool that day, like a little pool kinda so lots of ice would be good. Bring the tent if it is OK with Andrew we can set it up tonight if you guys want. We will be out cruising some but will probably be at the lot around 8ish. Rich and I will be late getting there Friday since we have a wedding. But will try to make it out after the wedding.

It sucks that I work 'till six on saturday. I will probably show up after work for a bit if you guys are still there.


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